Blog 6: EOTO Reflection; Bluetooth


Our class's EOTO presentations contained so much valuable information on such important technologies in our life. From petroglyphs all the way to drones, these presentations taught me how drastically we as a society and world are constantly growing and evolving, with no signs of stopping. One piece of technology that I always wondered how it worked was Bluetooth, and my classmate’s presentation on it
was very interesting.

History of Bluetooth

First off, I never knew the name “Bluetooth” was named after an old Danish king named; King Harold “Bluetooth” Gormmson. His nickname was given because of his dead tooth, which was the color blue. Bluetooth, defined by my classmate, is a wireless technology that uses radio frequency to share data over a short distance. This allows all of Bluetooth's functions, whether it’s connecting to speakers, computers, or even video game controllers. 

Bluetooth’s Impact

Because of the invention and impact of Bluetooth, we were able to get rid of the countless feet-long wires, as Bluetooth pushed for wireless everything. Wires for speakers, headphones, and computers that were once necessary are no longer even considered beneficial. What really pushed the breakthrough for Bluetooth was when it was added onto a cellphone, the Ericsson T36, named after Bluetooth's developer. Once this cell phone was released, that was when big companies started creating products that utilized Bluetooth capabilities. As far as impact, I agree with my classmate that there are no clear cut negative consequences due to Bluetooth. You could argue that Bluetooth drains battery on devices, and could possibly interfere with Wi-Fi connections, but mishaps like that are bound to come with technology, as technology is never perfect.


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